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Air Purification System
(not an ordinary air purifier !!!)

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Real time data
Full-colored 3.5” air quality monitor

Feather touch control panel
with Child lock facility

Ionise air
Sleep Disorders
Particulate matters from polluted air after inhalation may migrate directly to the brain, causing the central nervous system malfunction which leads to sleep apnea.
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Particulate matters may enter all parts of the body, including brain, and in long-term cause degenerative changes in the brain.
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Irritation of airways occurs due to deposition of particulate matters, VOCs and smokes which lowers oxygen supply to RBC’s and may lead to fatigue and dizziness.
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Asthma Allergies
Particulate Matters from air may inflame the airways and cause coughing, wheezing and breathlessness.
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Toxic gases or particles may cause inflammation of airways causing narrowing of air tubes leading breathlessness and cough.
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Ultra fine particles from lungs translocated to blood may leads to inflammation of lining of blood vessels causing increased blood pressure in coronary artery disease.
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Low Energy level in elderly
Elderly people, their bodies are less able to compensate for the effects of environmental hazards. Indoor Air pollution can aggravate heart disease and stroke, lung diseases such as COPD, as thma, and diabetes.

Pollutants or particulate matters may cause molecular changes , specifically in DNA and RNA initiating carcinogenic process in cells leading to malignancy.
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Pollutants, VOCs may cause gene mutation in sperm of males and ovary of females leading to decreased motility and changes in morphology of sperm.
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Post Surgery
Pollutant free air during surgery helps reduce redness, infection, inflammation and damage to tissues.
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Q.1 How much space will an air purification system cover?
A.1 Air purification system are designed to fit a variety of spaces. Typically cover areas up to 400 square feet effectively.
Q.2 What if the appliance is too loud?
A.2 Place the appliance on a solid & level surface and check again. Also, replace the dirty filter once reminding starts blinking and reset the device.
Q.3 Where should I place my air purification system?
A.3 Most systems are designed to clean single rooms, so naturally, it is best to place an air purification system in the room you spend most of your time in.
Q.4 What are the different types of filters?
A.4 There are three main types of air filters:
1.HEPA Filters – High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters remove 99.999% of particles that are 0.1 microns and larger from the air.
2.Carbon Filters – Using activated carbon, carbon filters remove odours and chemicals from your indoor air. These odours and chemicals include cigarette smoke, fireplace fumes, formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds (paint fumes, carpet glues, new building materials, etc.), pet odours, and kitchen odours.
3.Pre-Filter – These filters are a great benefit because they help extend the time between filter cleanings or changes as well as maintain the air purifier’s functionality and proficiency.
Q.5 What are the best air purifiers for allergy- and asthma-sufferers?
A.5 Proper air filtration is vital for homes of allergy- and asthma-sufferers, since allergy and asthma trigger easily & find their way into homes, despite your best attempts. Air purification system that uses HEPA filtration are the best choice for sufferers because this removes up to 99.999% of allergens up to 0.1 microns in size from your environment.
Q.6 What air purifiers are best for pet dander?
A.6 Ridding your indoor air of pet dander and odours is decisive, especially when you love your pets. Pet dander aggravate sensitive immune systems, including pet saliva, dead skin cells, and even outside particulates brought in by your pet on their coat. These factors trigger those allergies and, often, are spread throughout your indoor air and on furniture. For pet-parents, the APS 400 is a great selection for eliminating pet dander and odour.
Q.7 How many hours should air purifiers be used?
A.7 For best results, it is recommended to continuously run your air purification system. To help with noise and electricity costs, most air purifiers come with multiple cleaning speeds.
Q.8 How often should you use an air purifier?
A.8 We recommend that you run your air purification system 24 hours a day.
Q.9 How long can you leave an air purifier on?
A.9 Air purification system are generally designed to run all the time if you prefer to. You can put the purification system on its lowest setting to diminish noise and let it run throughout the day.
Q.10 Can an air purifier be left on all night?
A.10 Yes, you should run your system 24/7 and you should not turn it off anytime. In fact, it is recommended to not switch off your air purification system at any time of the day or night, even when you are sleeping.
Q.11 Do air purifiers remove smells?
A.11 Yes definitely, APS 400 has ioniser in it which not only helps to remove any sort of odour but also nourishes the ambient air. For Example, paint fumes, carpet glues, new building materials, etc.), pet odours, and kitchen odours.
Q.12 Do air purifiers remove dust?
A.12 Air purifiers can be effective in removing dust indoors, HEPA filters can remove most airborne particles, including pollen, mold, and bacteria.
Q.13 Does an air purifier use a lot of electricity?
A.13 HEPA air purification system typically consume 12 to 75 watts of electricity.
Q.14 How much maintenance is required for the air filters?
A.14 Filters should be cleaned occasionally and changed every six to eight months for optimum results.
Q.15 When do I have to change the filters in the air purification system APS-400?
A.15 When the indicator in your control panel starts continuously blinking, I blink to indicate the pre-filters need to be cleaned. II or III blink to indicate the Deodorizing or HEPA filter needs to be replaced.
Q.16 What is a micron?
A.16 Short for micrometre, a micron is one millionth of a meter and approximately 1/25,000th of an inch. Microns are used to measure airborne particle sizes.
Q.17 Is air purification system APS-400 effective in removing odours?
A.17 Yes. APS-400 is having activated carbon filter which removes odours.
Q.18 Does air purification system APS-400 help to reduce molds and yeasts?
A.18 Yes. Both molds and yeasts are larger in size so it could be easily trapped in the special designed H14 grade HEPA filter with 99.999% efficiency.
Q.19 Are there any side effects with air purification system APS-400?
A.19 No.
Q.20 How does an air purification system work?
A.20 A fan in air purification system collects the air through the specially designed series of filters to trap the allergens, biological pollutants, gases and particulate matters from the surrounding and later disinfect it with UVC and nourish it with Ioniser to provide clean and nourished air.
Q.21 What is CADR of an air purification system?
A.21 CADR stands for Clean Air Delivery Rate. It expressed as cubic meter per hour or cubic feet per minute (m3/h or CFM). For a specific sized room, the larger CADR means greater effectiveness for an air purifier.
Q.22 What is ACH for an air purification system?
A.22 ACH stands for air change per hour. In case of an air purification system, it determines how many times the device can exchange the whole volumetric air from a specific sized room/area in an hour.
Q.23 Can I run the air purification system with windows open?
A.23 Yes, you can, but it will decrease the effectiveness of the air purification system.
Q.24 How do I know my air purification system APS-400 is working?
A.24 You can check the air quality display unit at APS-400. Or else, you can observe it by using a separate air quality monitor.
Q.25 What to do if keys of control panel of air purification system APS-400 not working?
A.25 Check for child lock button. Unlock it, by pressing child lock button continuously for 5 seconds.
Q.26 What if PM 2.5 value is flashing?
A.26 Check whether PM 2.5 sensor cover is properly closed and the foam is placed in its position. Else, the sensor lens needs to be cleaned.
Q.27 Is one air purification system enough to clean an entire house?
A.27 Yes, one air purification system is enough to clean the indoor air of an entire home, if you choose the right one. Not all the rooms of your home are equally used, and if you have a portable air purifier, you can move it from one room to another, as per the requirement
Q.28 Is it ok to sleep next to an air purification system?
A.28 Yes, it is ok to use an air purification system while sleeping. It has the same effect on health while sleeping as it has when you are awake. Just make sure that it does not blow the air directly to your face, as the air might feel relatively dry due to the speed.
Q.29 Do air purifiers make the air dry?
A.29 Air purification system not only help in ventilation and cleaning the air but it also nourishes the ambient air.
Q.30 Combination of which air filters protect from every air pollutant issue?
A.30 The three air filters whose combination protects you from almost every type of air pollutants are HEPA filters, Activated carbon filters and pre-filter. HEPA filters out 99.999% of particles that are 0.1 microns. Activated carbon filters gaseous pollutants. They remove gaseous particles and pre-filter blocks dust, particles, and pet hair.
Q.31 What happens if I ignore the indicator light for air filter change?
A.31 The filter change indicator light of your air purification system turns on when the filter is dirty enough to change it. If you ignore the indicator and do not change the filter, the pollutants will start getting mixed in the air inside your home. The indoor air quality will degrade and will increase the risk of health issues. The filter will also be damaged, which will result in damage to the system.
Q.32 Is air purification system helpful in removing odours?
A.32 Yes, air purification system can remove odours but only if you are using the right air filter. Activated carbon air filters are the only filters that trap gaseous pollutants and smell. They can remove odours emanating from food, pets, garbage, smoke, etc.
Q.33 Are there any side effects with air purification system APS-400?
A.33 No.
Q.34 How does an air purification system work?
A.34 A fan in air purification system collects the air through the specially designed series of filters to trap the allergens, biological pollutants, gases, and particulate matters from the surrounding and later disinfect it with UVC and nourish it with Ioniser to provide clean and nourished air.
Q.35 What are air cleaning technologies?
A.35 A widely used technology is the use of a fibrous filter to absorb contaminants. Other methods are electrostatic precipitation (ESP), use of absorbent substances, ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI), ion generation etc. This air purification system APS-400 uses a series of specially designed filters (Pre, Carbon, and HEPA) along with UVC and Ioniser to clean and nourish the air.
Q.36 What are particulate matters and their types?
A.36 Particulate matter is the term which is used for a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air. Based on the aerodynamic diameter of the particulate matters, it could be of three types i.e., PM 1.0, PM 2.5, and PM 10.
Q.37 What should be done if filter replace light is still ON after the filter being replaced.
A.37 Press the filter reset key for 5 seconds to turn the filter light off.
Q.38 Can I use air purification system in my open-air garden?
A.38 You can use it anywhere, but there is no surety that you will get pure and fresh air in open area.
Q.39 How do I know my air purification system APS-400 is working?
A.39 You can check the air quality display unit at APS-400. Or else, you can observe it by using a separate air quality monitor.
Q.40 What to do if my air purification system APS-400 is not powering ON?
A.40 Check for the power plug for connection with the power. Refer to user manual for details on troubleshooting.
Q.41 What if sensor data blinking with “__”?
A.41 It is normal during the first 30 seconds in starting. If it continues for longer period then call to customer support.