In-Cabin Car Air Pollutants May be One of the Factors to Cause Alzheimer’s

While a direct correlation between air pollution and Alzheimer’s disease has not been established, some pieces of evidence suggest that ultrafine particles of air pollution may penetrate the brain. However, it remains uncertain whether these particles contribute to the development of dementia.

The mounting number of studies conducted worldwide, along with advancements in detecting fine particulate matter in the brain and body, are compelling reasons to delve further into this topic.

Research on mice and dogs residing in polluted areas suggests a potential link between air pollution and cognitive impairment. In laboratory settings, exposure to traffic-related pollution led to symptoms of diminished learning ability, memory, and motor skills in mice and rats. In humans, a few studies indicate that individuals exposed to high levels of pollutants may exhibit poorer cognitive performance over time, but this does not imply the development of dementia.

The most compelling evidence to date comes from a 2016 study in Canada involving 6.6 million participants. It revealed a potential association between living in proximity to heavily trafficked roads and the onset of dementia. Individuals residing within 50 meters of a major road were found to be 7% more likely to develop dementia compared to those living more than 300 meters away, where fine particulate matter levels were significantly lower.

It is important to note that factors such as high noise pollution and stress associated with living on busy roads could also contribute to these results. Therefore, while this study does not establish a direct causal relationship between air pollution and dementia, it highlights the need to prioritize research in this area.

In conclusion, while the connection between air pollution and Alzheimer’s disease is not yet definitive, it is crucial to continue exploring the potential impact of air pollution on dementia and prioritize this area of research for the future. To minimize the impact of car air pollutants and create a healthier environment for yourself and others, you should use PetriMed CA APS 20, a medical-grade air purification system, keep windows closed while stuck in traffic, and use public transits if possible.


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