The adequate assessment and management of indoor air quality in healthcare facilities is of utmost importance for patient safety and occupational health purposes. The health-care environment is home to a diverse population of microbes as well as the high concentration of indoor pollutants, but only a few are significant pathogens for susceptible humans. Microorganisms are present in great numbers in moist, organic environments, but some also can persist under dry conditions.
As a result of scientific improvements in medical technology and therapies, more patients are becoming immunocompromised during treatment and are therefore at increased risk for acquiring health-care associated opportunistic infections.
Human Health Status
Some recent studies demonstrated that health status of users can affect the indoor air. In fact, although at the beginning of medicine, physicians diagnosed some diseases through the smell of human breath.
Another pollutant concentration is related to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) that might be dispersed in the air using anesthetics and medicines. Excessive exposure can cause adverse effects to health status such as decreasing lung function and increasing the risk of respiratory symptoms, etc.
Solution to Reduce the Exposure
In any event, even as a precaution, it is widely recommended, to keep exposure to WAG as low as possible, which is best achieved by combining sufficient ventilation and air cleaning units. An air purification system and an efficient pressure/exhaust ventilation (412 ACH) are sufficient to reduce the exposure to particulate pollutants, VOCs, and other harmful contaminants to the levels recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The scientific community has highlighted the strategic role of ventilation in healing environments and it is well known that an appropriate air cleaning unit is useful for prevention not only of several communicable diseases but also in the reduction or elimination of the spread of physical and chemical contaminants, if the maintenance and cleaning are regular.
PetriMed CA air purification system can be a perfect option for healing environment as the unit is engineered with HEPA H14, pre-activated carbon filter as well as UVC and bipolar ioniser to provide nourished air. Unlike ordinary air purifier, it claims to have the highest filtration efficiency to arrest 99.999% of indoor pollutants.
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